「來了!」每個女生心裡的那聲驚呼,多少都帶點 oh shit 的色彩。
從前我也這麼看待我的月經,「大姨媽」這個名字取的真好,那個每個月上門找麻煩的親戚,妳恨她帶來的麻煩,同時知道這是一場無法say no建立在血親上的無可奈何。有時甚至也化身成那位脾氣暴躁的姨媽,因著自己的不適,找起身邊人的麻煩。
If you’re living in a female human body, what does menstrual period mean to you?
For me, it used to be a monthly trouble that “happens” and I can’t avoid. (Like many of you, I suppose !) And some years ago I came into a video on internet, showing a woman in the center, taking the audiences to go through the menstrual cycle, experience of hormone change and wave of emotions within our ”month”. Only after seeing this, I started to realised “IT’S NOT JUST ME!” , and started to see it as a whole, the bleeding days are just part of a circle; base on this and the understanding I accumulated about my body later over years, my curiosity also grew. I started to pay attention on which frase of the moon I’m in, and surprisingly this helped me to oriente myself in terms of the emotions and sensibility.
Which later on, also led me to do the charting of my each day in the circle, what happens with my body, my energy level and how do I feel. Observing my moon closely somehow became the anchor that grounds me from the changeable mind and world.
I made this piece in honor to my first period after giving birth— which was almost a year! I’m so happy to have my moon back!
I will write more about my journey of menstrual awareness practice when the moment arrives :)