(中文👇) At Hugo's daycare, every time a boy or girl has a birthday, their parents would prepare a toy and a handful of sweets for the classmates. I found the intention beautiful and I like the culture of sharing happiness, but perhaps just because the focus is the intention, gifts are usually those that only last 2 or 3 hours in the hands of a child, on top of the plastic to warp up the sweets… I feel pity for the amount of garbage we produce.
Last Monday was my son's birthday, this time I wanted to celebrate his day without feeling sorry for the decision I made, but with more colors and creativity. I spent an afternoon at the weekend, made a flock of little birds with cardboard and recycled paper for Hugo's little friends, unique birds for each unique little life :)
On the other hand, I spent days thinking about the alternative to put in the sweets... until the day before, Sunday night, the idea came to me (like this 🤩)
The coffee filter!
A day like this, instead of being a consumerist and produce so much waste, if we could be more creative and careful, I think it is closer to the reason why we celebrate that day, isn't it?
也許鳥兒的壽命跟其他的玩具們沒有太大差異,但至少材料環境友善而且誠意滿滿,禮物所送出的心意一定會被記憶下來 (我自己都一直被可愛到變成這個😻臉戀愛) 本來也想去超市買些糖果,結果週六採買時忘了,週日只剩下平時採買蔬果的農夫市集有開,於是買了一些杏桃、蔓越莓果乾,一包兒童星星餅乾。手邊卻沒有袋子可以裝,試著用烘焙紙包,卻怎麼包都包不出體面的樣子,突然又一個靈光乍現—— 沖咖啡的濾紙!
把果乾跟餅乾包進去,用迴紋針夾起來,貼上笑臉貼紙,形狀像是一顆小小的粽子拿在手上 於是,想要避免製造太多垃圾的意念佔一半,懶得去買的懶惰也佔一半功勞,誤打誤撞搞了一個超級環保的生日送禮。 第二天幼稚園的老師跟我說,爸媽們跟我說謝謝,他們都很喜歡。我心裡也很暖,知道創作時所懷抱的祝福都飛進他們家裡了🕊️ 在一個慶祝生命的日子,用創造與照顧,取代消費與丟棄,我想也更符合慶祝這個日子的本質吧!